
Type-stable axis-specific indexing and identification with a parametric type.

Type parameters

struct Axis{name,T}
  • name : the name of the axis, a Symbol
  • T : the type of the axis




  • name : the axis name Symbol or integer dimension
  • I : the indexer, any indexing type that the axis supports


Here is an example with a Dimensional axis representing a time sequence along rows and a Categorical axis of Symbols for column headers.

A = AxisArray(reshape(1:60, 12, 5), .1:.1:1.2, [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e])
A[Axis{:col}(2)] # grabs the second column
A[Axis{:col}(:b)] # Same as above, grabs column :b (the second column)
A[Axis{:row}(2)] # grabs the second row
A[Axis{2}(2:5)] # grabs the second through 5th columns

An AxisArray is an AbstractArray that wraps another AbstractArray and adds axis names and values to each array dimension. AxisArrays can be indexed by using the named axes as an alternative to positional indexing by dimension. Other advanced indexing along axis values are also provided.

Type parameters

The AxisArray contains several type parameters:

struct AxisArray{T,N,D,Ax} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
  • T : the elemental type of the AbstractArray
  • N : the number of dimensions
  • D : the type of the wrapped AbstractArray
  • Ax : the names and types of the axes, as a (specialized) NTuple{N, Axis}


AxisArray(A::AbstractArray, axes::Axis...)
AxisArray(A::AbstractArray, names::Symbol...)
AxisArray(A::AbstractArray, vectors::AbstractVector...)
AxisArray(A::AbstractArray, (names...,), (steps...,), [(offsets...,)])


  • A::AbstractArray : the wrapped array data
  • axes or names or vectors : dimensional information for the wrapped array

The dimensional information may be passed in one of three ways and is entirely optional. When the axis name or value is missing for a dimension, a default is substituted. The default axis names for dimensions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) are (:row, :col, :page, :dim_4, :dim_5, ...). The default axis values are Base.axes(A, d) for each missing dimension d.


Indexing returns a view into the original data. The returned view is a new AxisArray that wraps a SubArray. Indexing should be type stable. Use Axis{axisname}(idx) to index based on a specific axis. axisname is a Symbol specifying the axis to index/slice, and idx is a normal indexing object (Int, Array{Int,1}, etc.) or a custom indexing type for that particular type of axis.

Two main types of axes supported by default include:

  • Categorical axis – These are vectors of labels, normally Symbols or strings. Elements or slices can be indexed by elements or vectors of elements.

  • Dimensional axis – These are sorted vectors or iterators that can be indexed by ClosedInterval(). These are commonly used for sequences of times or date-times. For regular sample rates, ranges can be used.

User-defined axis types can be added along with custom indexing behaviors. To add add a custom type as a Categorical or Dimensional axis, add a trait using AxisArrays.axistrait.

For more advanced indexing, you can define custom methods for AxisArrays.axisindexes.


Here is an example with a Dimensional axis representing a time sequence along rows (it's a FloatRange) and a Categorical axis of Symbols for column headers.

A = AxisArray(reshape(1:15, 5, 3), Axis{:time}(.1:.1:0.5), Axis{:col}([:a, :b, :c]))
A[Axis{:time}(1:3)]   # equivalent to A[1:3,:]
A[Axis{:time}(ClosedInterval(.2,.4))] # restrict the AxisArray along the time axis
A[ClosedInterval(0.,.3), [:a, :c]]   # select an interval and two columns

A SortedVector is an AbstractVector where the underlying data is ordered (monotonically increasing).

Indexing that would unsort the data is prohibited. A SortedVector is a Dimensional axis, and no checking is done to ensure that the data is sorted. Duplicate values are allowed.

A SortedVector axis can be indexed with an ClosedInterval, with a value, or with a vector of values. Use of a SortedVector{Tuple} axis allows indexing similar to the hierarchical index of the Python Pandas package or the R data.table package.



Keyword Arguments

  • x::AbstractVector : the wrapped vector


v = SortedVector(collect([1.; 10.; 10:15.]))
A = AxisArray(reshape(1:16, 8, 2), v, [:a, :b])
A[ClosedInterval(8.,12.), :]
A[1., :]
A[10., :]

## Hierarchical index example with three key levels

data = reshape(1.:40., 20, 2)
v = collect(zip([:a, :b, :c][rand(1:3,20)], [:x,:y][rand(1:2,20)], [:x,:y][rand(1:2,20)]))
idx = sortperm(v)
A = AxisArray(data[idx,:], SortedVector(v[idx]), [:a, :b])
A[:b, :]
A[[:a,:c], :]
A[(:a,:x), :]
A[(:a,:x,:x), :]
A[ClosedInterval(:a,:b), :]
A[ClosedInterval((:a,:x),(:b,:x)), :]
axes(A::AxisArray) -> (Axis...)
axes(A::AxisArray, ax::Axis) -> Axis
axes(A::AxisArray, dim::Int) -> Axis

Returns the tuple of axis vectors for an AxisArray. If an specific Axis is specified, then only that axis vector is returned. Note that when extracting a single axis vector, axes(A, Axis{1})) is type-stable and will perform better than axes(A)[1].

For an AbstractArray without Axis information, axes returns the default axes, i.e., those that would be produced by AxisArray(A).

axisdim(::AxisArray, ::Axis) -> Int
axisdim(::AxisArray, ::Type{Axis}) -> Int

Given an AxisArray and an Axis, return the integer dimension of the Axis within the array.

axisnames(A::AxisArray)           -> (Symbol...)
axisnames(::Type{AxisArray{...}}) -> (Symbol...)
axisnames(ax::Axis...)            -> (Symbol...)
axisnames(::Type{Axis{...}}...)   -> (Symbol...)

Returns the axis names of an AxisArray or list of Axises as a tuple of Symbols.

axisvalues(A::AxisArray)           -> (AbstractVector...)
axisvalues(ax::Axis...)            -> (AbstractVector...)

Returns the axis values of an AxisArray or list of Axises as a tuple of vectors.

collapse(::Val{N}, As::AxisArray...) -> AxisArray
collapse(::Val{N}, labels::Tuple, As::AxisArray...) -> AxisArray
collapse(::Val{N}, ::Type{NewArrayType}, As::AxisArray...) -> AxisArray
collapse(::Val{N}, ::Type{NewArrayType}, labels::Tuple, As::AxisArray...) -> AxisArray

Collapses AxisArrays with N equal leading axes into a single AxisArray. All additional axes in any of the arrays are collapsed into a single additional axis of type Axis{:collapsed, CategoricalVector{Tuple}}.


  • ::Val{N}: the greatest common dimension to share between all input arrays. The remaining axes are collapsed. All N axes must be common to each input array, at the same dimension. Values from 0 up to the minimum number of dimensions across all input arrays are allowed.
  • labels::Tuple: (optional) an index for each array in As used as the leading element in the index tuples in the :collapsed axis. Defaults to 1:length(As).
  • ::Type{NewArrayType<:AbstractArray{_, N+1}}: (optional) the desired underlying array type for the returned AxisArray.
  • As::AxisArray...: AxisArrays to be collapsed together.


julia> price_data = AxisArray(rand(10), Axis{:time}(Date(2016,01,01):Day(1):Date(2016,01,10)))
1-dimensional AxisArray{Float64,1,...} with axes:
    :time, 2016-01-01:1 day:2016-01-10
And data, a 10-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> size_data = AxisArray(rand(10,2), Axis{:time}(Date(2016,01,01):Day(1):Date(2016,01,10)), Axis{:measure}([:area, :volume]))
2-dimensional AxisArray{Float64,2,...} with axes:
    :time, 2016-01-01:1 day:2016-01-10
    :measure, Symbol[:area, :volume]
And data, a 10×2 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.159434     0.456992
 0.344521     0.374623
 0.522077     0.313256
 0.994697     0.320953
 0.95104      0.900526
 0.921854     0.729311
 0.000922581  0.148822
 0.449128     0.761714
 0.650277     0.135061
 0.688773     0.513845

julia> collapsed = collapse(Val(1), (:price, :size), price_data, size_data)
2-dimensional AxisArray{Float64,2,...} with axes:
    :time, 2016-01-01:1 day:2016-01-10
    :collapsed, Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol,N} where N}[(:price,), (:size, :area), (:size, :volume)]
And data, a 10×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.885014  0.159434     0.456992
 0.418562  0.344521     0.374623
 0.609344  0.522077     0.313256
 0.72221   0.994697     0.320953
 0.43656   0.95104      0.900526
 0.840304  0.921854     0.729311
 0.455337  0.000922581  0.148822
 0.65954   0.449128     0.761714
 0.393801  0.650277     0.135061
 0.260207  0.688773     0.513845

julia> collapsed[Axis{:collapsed}(:size)] == size_data

A CategoricalVector is an AbstractVector which is treated as a categorical axis regardless of the element type. Duplicate values are not allowed but are not filtered out.

A CategoricalVector axis can be indexed with an ClosedInterval, with a value, or with a vector of values. Use of a CategoricalVector{Tuple} axis allows indexing similar to the hierarchical index of the Python Pandas package or the R data.table package.

In general, indexing into a CategoricalVector will be much slower than the corresponding SortedVector or another sorted axis type, as linear search is required.




  • x::AbstractVector : the wrapped vector


v = CategoricalVector(collect([1; 8; 10:15]))
A = AxisArray(reshape(1:16, 8, 2), v, [:a, :b])
A[Axis{:row}(1), :]
A[Axis{:row}(10), :]
A[Axis{:row}([1, 10]), :]

## Hierarchical index example with three key levels

data = reshape(1.:40., 20, 2)
v = collect(zip([:a, :b, :c][rand(1:3,20)], [:x,:y][rand(1:2,20)], [:x,:y][rand(1:2,20)]))
A = AxisArray(data, CategoricalVector(v), [:a, :b])
A[:b, :]
A[[:a,:c], :]
A[(:a,:x), :]
A[(:a,:x,:x), :]
axisindexes(ax::Axis, axis_idx) -> array_idx
axisindexes(::Type{<:AxisTrait}, axis_values, axis_idx) -> array_idx

Translate an index into an axis into an index into the underlying array. Users can add additional indexing behaviours for custom axes or custom indices by adding methods to this function.


Add a method for indexing into an Axis{name, SortedSet}:

AxisArrays.axisindexes(::Type{Categorical}, ax::SortedSet, idx::AbstractVector) = findin(collect(ax), idx)

Add a method for indexing into a Categorical axis with a SortedSet:

AxisArrays.axisindexes(::Type{Categorical}, ax::AbstractVector, idx::SortedSet) = findin(ax, idx)
axisparams(::AxisArray) -> Vararg{::Type{Axis}}
axisparams(::Type{AxisArray}) -> Vararg{::Type{Axis}}

Returns the axis parameters for an AxisArray.

axistrait(ax::Axis) -> Type{<:AxisTrait}
axistrait{T}(::Type{T}) -> Type{<:AxisTrait}

Returns the indexing type of an Axis, any subtype of AxisTrait. The default is Unsupported, meaning there is no special indexing behaviour for this axis and indexes into this axis are passed directly to the underlying array.

Two main types of axes supported by default are Categorical and Dimensional; see Indexing for more information on these types.

User-defined axis types can be added along with custom indexing behaviors by defining new methods of this function. Here is the example of adding a custom Dimensional axis:

AxisArrays.axistrait(::Type{MyCustomAxis}) = AxisArrays.Dimensional
default_axes(A::AbstractArray, axs)

Return a tuple of Axis objects that appropriately index into the array A.

The optional second argument can take a tuple of vectors or axes, which will be wrapped with the appropriate axis name.

permutation(to, from) -> p

Calculate the permutation of labels in from to produce the order in to. Any entries in to that are missing in from will receive an index of 0. Any entries in from that are missing in to will have their indices appended to the end of the permutation. Consequently, the length of p is equal to the longer of to and from.

reaxis(A::AxisArray, I...)

This internal function determines the new set of axes that are constructed upon indexing with I.

searchsortednearest(vec::AbstractVector, x)

Like searchsortedfirst or searchsortedlast, this returns the the index of the element in the sorted vector vec whose value is closest to x, rounding up. If there are multiple elements that are equally close to x, this will return the first index if x is less than or equal to those in the vector or the last index if x is greater.


Combines AxisArrays with matching axis names into a single AxisArray. Unlike merge, the inputs are joined along a newly created axis (optionally specified with the newaxis keyword argument). The method keyword argument can be used to specify the join type:

:inner - keep only those array values at axis values common to all AxisArrays to be joined :left - keep only those array values at axis values present in the first AxisArray passed :right - keep only those array values at axis values present in the last AxisArray passed :outer (default) - keep all array values: create an AxisArray spanning all of the input axis values

If an array value in the output array is not defined in any of the input arrays (i.e. in the case of a left, right, or outer join), it takes the value of the optional fillvalue keyword argument (default zero).


Combines AxisArrays with matching axis names into a single AxisArray spanning all of the axis values of the inputs. If a coordinate is defined in more than ones of the inputs, it takes its value from last input in which it appears. If a coordinate in the output array is not defined in any of the input arrays, it takes the value of the optional fillvalue keyword argument (default zero).
