
A Julia package for efficient storage and handling of nested arrays. ArraysOfArrays provides two different types of nested arrays: ArrayOfSimilarArrays and VectorOfArrays.

This package also defines and exports the following new functions applicable to nested arrays in general:

  • nestedview and flatview switch between a flat and a nested view of the same data.
  • innersize returns the size of the elements of an array, provided they all have equal size.
  • deepgetindex, deepsetindex! and deepview provide index-based access across multiple layers of nested arrays
  • innermap and deepmap apply a function to the elements of the inner (resp. innermost) arrays.
  • abstract_nestedarray_type returns the type of nested AbstractArrays for a given innermost element type with multiple layers of nesting.
  • consgroupedview computes a grouping of equal consecutive elements on a vector and applies it to another vector or (named or unnamed) tuple of vectors.


An ArrayOfSimilarArrays offers a duality of view between representing the same data as both a flat multi-dimensional array and as an array of equally-sized arrays:

A_flat = rand(2,3,4,5,6)
A_nested = nestedview(A_flat, 2)

creates a view of A_flat as an array of arrays:

A_nested isa AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray{T,2},3} where T

A_flat is always available via flatview. A_flat and A_nested are backed by the same data, no data is copied:

flatview(A_nested) === A_flat

Calling getindex on A_nested returns a view into A_flat:

fill!(A_nested[2, 4, 3], 4.2)
all(x -> x == 4.2, A_flat[:, :, 2, 4, 3])

Type aliases

The following type aliases are defined:

  • VectorOfSimilarArrays{T,M} = AbstractArrayOfSimilarArrays{T,M,1}
  • ArrayOfSimilarVectors{T,N} = AbstractArrayOfSimilarArrays{T,1,N}
  • VectorOfSimilarVectors{T} = AbstractArrayOfSimilarArrays{T,1,1}

For each of the types there is also an abstract type (AbstractArrayOfSimilarArrays, etc.).

If a VectorOfSimilarArrays is backed by an ElasticArrays.ElasticArray, additional element arrays can be pushed into it and resize! is available too:

Appending data and resizing

using ElasticArrays

A_nested = nestedview(ElasticArray{Float64}(undef, 2, 3, 0), 2)

for i in 1:4
    push!(A_nested, rand(2, 3))
size(flatview(A_nested)) == (2, 3, 4)

resize!(A_nested, 6)
size(flatview(A_nested)) == (2, 3, 6)

There is a full duality between the nested and the flat view of the data. A_flat may be resized freely without breaking the inner consistency of A_nested: Changes in the shape of one will result in changes in the shape of the other.


A VectorOfArrays represents a vector of arrays of equal dimensionality but different size. It is a nested interpretation of the concept of a "ragged array".

VA = VectorOfArrays{Float64, 2}()

push!(VA, rand(2, 3))
push!(VA, rand(4, 2))

size(VA[1]) == (2,3)
size(VA[2]) == (4,2)

Internally, all data is stored efficiently in a single, flat and memory-contiguous vector, accessible via flatview:

VA_flat = flatview(VA)
VA_flat isa Vector{Float64}

Calling getindex on A_nested returns a view into A_flat:

VA_flat = flatview(VA)
view(VA_flat, 7:14) == vec(VA[2])

fill!(view(VA_flat, 7:14), 2.4)
all(x -> x == 2.4, VA[2])

fill!(view(VA_flat, 7:14), 4.2)
all(x -> x == 4.2, VA[2])

Type aliases

The following type aliases are defined:

  • VectorOfVectors{T,VT,VI,VD} = VectorOfArrays{T,1,VT,VI,VD}

Appending data and resizing

A VectorOfArrays is grown by appending data to it. resize! can be used to shrink it, but not to grow it (the size of the additional element arrays would be unknown):

length(resize!(VA, 1)) == 1


resize!(VA, 4)

will fail.

Note: The vector returned by flatview(VA) must not be resized directly, doing so would break the internal consistency of VA.